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_The Waiting Room

A community media project looks at the state of American healthcare through the lens of a waiting room at an Oakland hospital.

2012 Peter Nicks
EN,ES Visit the project

“The waiting room was… a metaphor for our healthcare system and state of being.”

Peter Nicks, Producer/Director, in  Filmmaker Magazine

Peter Nicks’s 2012 film The Waiting Room has received wide acclaim for its candid take on the American healthcare system. The feature-length film is a cinema verité look into the life of an Oakland hospital’s waiting room, filmed over the course of a month. The film, however, is only a facet of a larger storytelling project, a transmedia and community-based initiative with an online hub.

Currently, its website features short stories from the waiting room that did not feature prominently in the film. These stories can be organized by issue (community, health insurance, poverty, etc.) or emotion (hope, grief, gratitude, etc.). The shorts portray subjects who are often uninsured, humanizing the healthcare debate. The storytelling project also allows for audience contributions through a mobile app, an installation at the Oakland hospital, and the web.

Project at a Glance :

Language : EN,ES
Country : United States
Year : 2012
Author : Peter Nicks
Producer : Open’hood
Team : Linda Davis,Patrick Kollman
Funders AND Incubators : BAVC,California Council for the Humanities,Fledgling Fund,ITVS,MacArthur Foundation,San Francisco Film Society,The California Endowment,The San Francisco Foundation
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