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_30 Days/Ramadan

30 Days/Ramadan is a multifaceted portrait of Muslims’ personal experiences of Ramadan across the globe.

2011,2012,2013 Bassam Tariq,Musa Syeed
EN,ES,TR Visit the project

I think there are a lot of stereotypes and tropes in media coverage of Muslims around the world, which results from a lack of familiarity with Islam. As people within the community, we noticed this, and thought the best way to counter it was to let people tell their own stories.

Musa Syeed, author, in The Huffington Post

Nearly one billion people fast and celebrate each Ramadan. 30 Days/Ramadan uses crowdsourced images to show how Muslims around the world experience Ramadan. People are encouraged to share their personal stories on Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram, using the hashtag #30days. Their posts are then aggregated and curated by project authors Bassam Tariq and Musa Syeed. Professionally produced short films also help showcase the diversity of Muslim voices, from a young woman who decides to start a photo blog to a father and son bonding over traditional dhol drumming. Together, the words and images featured in 30 Days/Ramadan form a collage celebrating the unique perspectives and experiences of Muslims across the globe.

Project at a Glance :

Language : EN,ES,TR
Country : United States
Year : 2011,2012,2013
Author : Bassam Tariq,Musa Syeed
Producer : 30 Mosques
Team : Aman Ali
Developers : Brian Delaney,Darian West
Designers : Bassam Tariq
Budget Range : $5K
Funders AND Incubators : Doris Duke Foundation,ITVS,Mozilla/ITVS Hackathon
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