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This project began during the October 2019 protests in Chile as a way to collectively create a 3D database of the effects of these protests–such as graffiti–on monuments and architecture throughout Chile.

2019 Cristobal Cea,Francisco Cangas,Josefina Buschmann,Sarai Leon,Vania Montgomery
ES Visit the project

“By collectively mapping the effects of the Chilean protests as they were happening, fearing that the graffiti might soon be erased, our hope was to have time to understand the huge complexities of this historical moment through art and education.”

Cristobal Cea, Author, to Docubase

AntesDelOlvido (BeforeForgetting) began during the October 2019 protests in Chile as a way to collectively create a 3D database of the effects of these protests–such as graffiti–on monuments and architecture throughout Chile. The 3D models of monuments, spaces, and buildings are displayed using an interactive website that organizes each site on a map of the city.

The project took the form of a series of open workshops on photogrammetry techniques, in the hopes that teaching this technique within the context of the protests would allow for creating a memorial for a moment that is very complex, while simultaneously discussing the links between representation and democracy and blurring the boundaries between art-making and education. AntesDelOlvido is a tool to visualize art-making that is not so concerned with hierarchy, memory, and a fixed archive but rather functions as a living organism.

Preservation Wishes

“I would like for it to mutate through time: to become different things: a book, an exhibition… an asset in a music video. I would like for it to be memory and not “a” memory.”

Cristobal Cea, Author, to Docubase

Project at a Glance :

Language : ES
Country : Chile
Year : 2019
Author : Cristobal Cea,Francisco Cangas,Josefina Buschmann,Sarai Leon,Vania Montgomery
Producer : Dirección de Artes y Cultura - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile,Goethe-Institut
Team : Felipe Baeza,Kurt Maloneck,Pamela Canoles
Developers : Esteban Sandoval
Designers : Cristobal Cea,Esteban Sandoval
Budget Range : $15000 (in-kind developer hours),$4500 (spent)
Funders AND Incubators : Direccion de Artes y Cultura Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,Goethe Institut Chile,Ministerio De las Culturas y Las Artes - FONDART Nacional 2021,Museo de Artes Visuales - MAVI,Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos,Vicerrectoria de Investigación Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
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