2013 | Davide Tosco,Massimo Arvat,Paolo Ceretto |
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The more the story is fascinating and convincing, the easier it will take the audience to the stories dispersed through multiple platforms.
Davide Tosco, Author.
Cultural-Shock is a cross-media edutainment project targeting young audiences and giving voice to a new generation of digital storytellers: it explores the issue of world citizenship and cultural diversity from a new perspective.
During two months of online casting, forty-five candidates battled to win a trip to their country of origin. Once there, the rules were clear: no CO2, no hotels, no taxis, no souvenirs and no fast food. It was an adventure on a tight budget, with makeshift means of transport.
Rasid and Agnese won the first challenge and spent 10 days discovering the Balkans. Their stories are told through multiple media: live blog, social networks, documentary film, and radio documentary.