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ECHO is an interactive installation that collects a diverse range of human stories as it travels internationally.

2017 Georgie Pinn
EN Visit the project

“The key focus of ECHO is to connect strangers and break down prejudice, harnessing empathy through immersive technology and personal narrative.”

Georgie Pinn, Author

ECHO is an interactive installation that collects a diverse range of human stories as it travels internationally. The main goal of the project is to generate empathy and compassion by connecting strangers through an exchange of intimate story-telling and facial identity, utilizing high end facial tracking and touch screen technology to animate, record, and share digital narratives. The immersive, multi-sensory experience takes place in a graffitied photo booth and is guided by an AI Character.

Project at a Glance :

Language : EN
Country : Australia
Year : 2017
Author : Georgie Pinn
Producer : Independant,Kendyl Rossi
Developers : David Jakes,Jeremy Boulton
Designers : Georgie Pinn,Jonathan Crowe
Exhibition Venues : Ars Electronica Festival,International Society for the Electronic Arts (ISEA),Pause Festival,Robotronica,Sheffield Doc/Fest
Awards & Nominations : Ars Electronica -'Honorary Mention',Sheffield Doc/Fest-" Best Interactive Experience Award"
Budget Range : $110K spent),$125K (in-kind creative artist fees)
Funders AND Incubators : Ars Electronica,Arts Queensland,Brisbane Museum,Federation Square,Pause Festival,Queensland University of Technology,QUT,Sheffield DocFest,The Cube,Volkswagen
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