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Freed from gravity, the visitor is invited to explore ghostly buildings, built from 3D scans within French nuclear power plants.

2022 Ugo Arsac
EN,FR Visit the project

“I try to show things without necessarily imposing my point of view on a subject, but by placing myself so that the public can form their own opinion.”

Ugo Arsac, Author of “Energeia” to ISEA Symposium

Energeia is an immersive documentary experience that questions the future of energy use.

Freed from gravity, the viewer explores ghostly buildings built from 3D scans taken from French nuclear power plants to discover hidden interviews. As they venture through these composite spaces, their direct gaze triggers hidden interviews with several experts-engineers, physicists, and researchers offering a variety of viewpoints about the future of energy at ecological, economic and geopolitical levels.

Using 3D scans of several power plants in France, Ugo Arsac recreates composite spaces and introduces testimonials from Jean-Marc Jancovici, Emma Haziza, Aurore Stéphant, and more, who question energy prospects. These interviews, triggered by the visitor’s gaze, resonate in the corridors of these fantastic architectural surroundings.

This project is a continuation of Ugo Arsac’s research into underground spaces and human and architectural infrastructures.

Project at a Glance :

Language : EN,FR
Country : France
Year : 2022
Author : Ugo Arsac
Producer : CHRONIQUE CREATIONS,La Fruitière Numérique
Developers : Dorian Rigal,Jean-Marc Bagarry,Léon Denise,Martin Hermant
Designers : Antoine Boucherikha,Lundja Medjoub
Topics : Architecture,Ecology,Economics,Economy,Energy,Environmentalism,Experimental Film,Geography,Geology
Technologies : Houdini,Resolume Arena,Scan LiDAR Z&F,Unity,Wwise
Techniques : Installation,interactive,Mapping,Virtual reality
Exhibition Venues : Chroniques Biennale,Pesaro Film Festival,Sunny Side of the Doc,SXSW
Funders AND Incubators : AMI - Aide aux musique innovatrices,CITS,EDF,Iter organization,LIMIT,Néon Minuit,Next Sound Lab,Perspective[s],Thinkerview
Trailer :

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