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_Happy World

The documentary “Happy World” incorporates links and additional content directly into a web video player, creating a multi-layered, annotated viewing experience.

2011 Gaël Bordier,Tristan Mendès France
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“An investigative report like this is complicated, because we can’t communicate with our contacts over there. You can’t send an email to Burma saying we are making an anti-Junta film because our local could end up in prison.”

Tristan Mendès France, Co-Author, in Happy World: The Making Of

Happy World focuses on the dictatorship of Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, which has been ruled by a military junta since 1962. In 2009, French journalists Tristan Mendès France and Gaël Bordier travelled to Myanmar posing as tourists, using amateur film equipment to preserve their cover. Their online documentary Happy World – Burma: The Dictatorship of the Absurd explores the ways that Myanmar’s junta controls its citizens, such as limiting gasoline consumption, controlling television content, and censoring the Internet—as well as the different ways that the Burmese have developed to cope with widespread oppression. Fact sheets, additional videos, infographics, and interviews with Burmese dissidents supplement the documentary. Links to this additional information pop up in the Happy World’s video player whenever it becomes relevant, allowing audiences to explore the content at their own pace.

Project at a Glance :

Country : France
Year : 2011
Author : Gaël Bordier,Tristan Mendès France
Producer : Cinquième étage,Upian
Team : Alexandre Brachet,Antione Errasti,Gregory Trowbridge,Jérôme Gonçalvès,Margaux Missika,Upian
Exhibition Venues : California Film Festival,IDFA DocLab
Awards & Nominations : Orson Welles Award for Best Documentary at the California Film Festival
Url :
Trailer :

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