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_Lagos at Large

Lagos at Large is an immersive nonfiction piece that pays tribute to Lagos, the largest city in Nigeria.

2019 Jumoke Sanwo
EN Visit the project

“As a storyteller out of Nigeria, I am constantly searching for the best medium to tell our stories, and I have explored photography, video-art and now virtual reality. I believe our realities as Africans do not have to be a spectacle of stereotypes, we can also revel in the mundane, the everydayness that is rarely the focus. It is important for us to shape our own narrative and to have agency over how our stories are eventually told. Lagos at Large provides a glimpse into life in the city of Lagos, it is the story of Njideka, it is that of Adeniran, as well as over 21 million people who call the city home. As I make the viewer reflect on the everydayness of the city, I draw them further into more complex issues of gentrification, stratification and urbanization. Using the familiar to reflect on some of the realities of the 21st century African, grappling with the realities of Capitalism, and post-colonization.”

Jumoke Sanwo, Author, to DocuBase

Lagos at Large is an immersive documentary in 360 video that pays homage to Lagos, the largest city in Nigeria. Part poetic essay, part love story, Lagos at Large is told from the point of view of the poet Njideka, a diaspora daughter living in Austria who leads the viewer through various urban spaces including markets, monuments, public transportation and more. As she takes the viewer around the city, the playful and pointed dialogue is a mix between spoken word and memoir. While the piece reflects the everyday, it also delves into complex issues including gentrification, stratification, and urbanization.



Project at a Glance :

Language : EN
Country : Nigeria
Year : 2019
Author : Jumoke Sanwo
Producer : Electric South,imisi3D
Team : Isiaq Gbadamosi,Joey Ekunwe,Njideka Iroh,Olayeni Balogun,Osarumen Osamuy,Osarumen Osamuyi,Pelumi Lawal,Sebastian Lõrscher
Developers : Caitlin Robinson,Ingrid Kopp,Judith Okonkwo,Jumoke Sanwo,Steven Markovitz
Designers : Judith Okonkwo,Jumoke Sanwo
Exhibition Venues : IDFA DocLab
Funders AND Incubators : Electric South,IDFA DocLab,imisi3D,New Dimensions Lab
Trailer :

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