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Rooted in post-Katrina New Orleans, LandofOpportunity is an ongoing exploration of the often contentious process of community redevelopment in the face of crisis/disaster.

2013 Luisa Dantas
EN Visit the project

The ongoing and multifaceted nature of these stories sparked fundamental questions:  How can we draw connections across communities and crises? How can we create media that holds onto lessons from our past, but allows the story to grow and develop as new crises, challenges, and solutions emerge? How can we present a cohesive story, without flattening and homogenizing the particularity of any one place, person, or perspective?

Luisa Dantas, Director of LandofOpportunity, Rooflines

Rooted in post-Katrina New Orleans, LandofOpportunity is an ongoing exploration of the often contentious process of community redevelopment in the face of crisis/disaster. Through perspectives that travel across media, including a film and new experimental interactive web platform, the project explores the fundamental question: What kinds of communities do we want to (re)build in the 21st century? From New Orleans to New York, from Katrina to Sandy, we, along with partners in sister cities, create and curate multifaceted stories highlighting a diversity of voices and approaches designed to foster engagement and inspire action around the core issues happening to cities and towns near us all.

The LandofOpportunity interactive web platform merges compelling multimedia storytelling with curated data, research, and calls to action in one experimental collaborative space. Currently in Beta, the innovative site features an interactive video player and upcoming timeline that allow users to explore and compare layered narratives about the people and processes that are shaping our increasingly vulnerable landscapes. Partners can create and curate their own multi-layer stories and strategically deploy them to increase engagement and effect change locally and nationally. Groups and individuals can collaborate with partners working in different communities, thus creating a foundation for communication and knowledge-sharing across places, issues, and sectors.

Note: This platform is an ongoing work-in-progress at the cutting-edge of current technology. It currently works best on laptops or tablets with the latest version of popular browsers (Safari, Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer 9 and above), and with a high speed internet connection. Moving forward, we hope to get the resources to make this experience more accessible as the technology evolves.

Project at a Glance :

Language : EN
Country : United States
Year : 2013
Author : Luisa Dantas
Producer : JoLu Productions,Uncharted Digital
Team : Grant Kindrick,Jon Vidar,Laine Kaplan-Levenson,Michael Boedigheimer
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