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_Le Lac

‘Le Lac’ is an immersive journey into Lake Chad, a once rejuvenating source of life for millions now under threat by climate change and insurgency of Boko Haram.

2019 Nyasha Kadandara
EN Visit the project

“I would like Le Lac to be used as an informative or educational tool to bring awareness to the crisis in Lake Chad, be it in a classroom, a film festival or at the United Nations General Assembly.”

Nyasha Kadandara, director, to Film Africa

Le Lac is a VR documentary set in the oasis of the Sahel, Lake Chad. This film is a meditation on the changes that nature is undergoing, with ninety percent of the lake’s water depleted. Depended on by millions, Lake Chad has shrunk to a tenth of her former self. This documentary brings attention to how shifts in nature caused by climate change can lead to political upheaval such as the insurgence of Boko Haram in the central African region. In a journey through change and rupture, as told by the poetic voice of the lake herself, participants explore the lives of Mahamat, a once-wealthy pastoralist, and Nassuri, a fisherman-turned-refugee, as the lake herself hopes for their survival amidst her scattered ponds.


Project at a Glance :

Language : EN
Country : Chad,Kenya,Zimbabwe
Year : 2019
Author : Nyasha Kadandara
Producer : Caitlin Robinson,Electric South,Ingrid Kopp,Steven Markovitz
Team : Charls Muchiri,Isa Mohamed,Konan Tipen Adam,Mahamat Adamou,Mahamat Hissenie,Moumine Ngarmbassa,Nassun Sayedu,Saba Elbasha,Stephan Kimani
Developers : Nyasha Kadandara
Designers : Nyasha Kadandara
Exhibition Venues : Sheffield Doc/Fest
Awards & Nominations : Sheffield Doc/Fest Best Digital Narrative
Funders AND Incubators : Ambrosia XR,Bertha Foundation,BlackRhino VR,Electric South,Ford Foundation,New Dimensions
Trailer :

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