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A first-person interactive VR doc about state-promoted violence inside the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and its effects on the community of residents.

2020 João Inada
EN,PT Visit the project

“There’s a thin and precarious line that separates one reality from another, and with Under the Skin we wanted to cross this line and overlap these realities to show to audiences that the bridges in between are wider than its gaps.”

João Inada, Author, to Docubase

Under the Skin is a first-person, 6 DoF (degrees of freedom), interactive VR documentary about state-promoted violence inside the favelas — slums — of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and its effects on the community of residents.

The project combines interactive scenarios built within Unity using photogrammetry and 3D modelling, volumetric capture technology to recreate characters, real TV and social media audiovisual assets, and 360° documentaries. It seeks to present an experience that blends archival and traditional documentary assets with a gamified real-time interactive experience, enhancing the user’s notion of presence within a non-fiction narrative and giving them more agency within the story.

Project at a Glance :

Language : EN,PT
Country : Brazil
Year : 2020
Author : João Inada
Producer : Coqueirão Pictures,Luz Mágica Produções,Quanta,Sete Léguas Filmes,Tarantula Luxembourg,[blackboard films]
Team : Fabio Holtz,Flavio Mayerhoffer,Hugo Gurgel,John Fitzgerald,Matthew Niederhauser,Raull Santiago,Renato Vallone,Thamyra Thâmara
Developers : BitCake Studios
Designers : Camilla Slotfeld
Topics : Latin America,Race,social justice,State violence,War and Conflict
Technologies : 360 Video,HP Reverb,HTC Vive,Oculus Rift,Unity,Valve,WhatsApp
Techniques : 2D audiovisual,3D,Ambisonic Sound,Photogrammetry,volumetric capture
Exhibition Venues : IDFA DocLab,SXSW
Budget Range : $400000
Funders AND Incubators : Film Fund Luxembourg,Ford Foundation,IDFA DocLab Forum - Market (Amsterdam),Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung,Open Society Foundation,Rio2C (Rio de Janeiro),Sandbox Immerssive (Qingdao),Stereopsia 3D Booster (Brussels),Venice Production Bridge - Bienalle de Venezia (Venice),VR Days Vs IFFR (Amsterdam)
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