In Pursuit of Repetitive Beats

_In Pursuit of Repetitive Beats

Using contributors and collaborators from the UK's rave past, this piece of immersive art uses creative non-fiction to re-examine what this…
Fireflies: A Brownsville Story

_Fireflies: A Brownsville Story

A community-based documentary VR game created by and for the residents of Brownville.


#ChalkedUnarmed is a grassroots movement and participatory documentary project raising awareness of police brutality and its victims.
96 Acres Project

_96 Acres Project

The 96 Acres Project is a series of site-specific art projects bringing together community members to address the impact of the Cook County…
The Counted

_The Counted

The Counted is a database tracking the number of people killed by police in the United States, drawing on original reporting as well as…
VICE News VR: Millions March

_VICE News VR: Millions March

This virtual reality newscast places viewers at a protest against police violence in New York.