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An experimental transmedia documentary to digitally commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Malvinas war and to propose that we relive the past in order to imagine ourselves in the present.

2012 Alvaro Liuzzi
ES Visit the project

A transmedia documentary about the conflict in the Malvinas Islands.  Thirty years later, the last war in Argentina becomes a digital collective memory through interactive and real-time production.

Alvaro Liuzzi, Author.

Malvinas/30 is a transmedia documentary about the Malvinas War of 1982. It was created and produced to be launched on different digital platforms for its 30th anniversary in 2012.

The project had a 6-month development phase, inviting the participants and witnesses of the war to relive and tell their own stories about the facts of the Malvinas War. Each platform that is used in the project has it own quality but all together they become a coherent narrative universe.

Breaking the traditional structure of a film, Malvinas/30 creates a personal experience for the user, while recreating the real facts of the Malvinas War. Remixing different languages, styles and audiences, this project sets a narrative code that enables the telling of past stories in real time, as a kind of Virtual Time Machine.

Project at a Glance :

Language : ES
Country : Argentina
Year : 2012
Author : Alvaro Liuzzi
Producer : Alvaro Liuzzi
Team : Ezequiel Apesteguía,Guadalupe López,Romina Vázquez
Developers : Alvaro Liuzzi,Ezequiel Apesteguía,Guadalupe López,Tomas Bergero Trpin
Designers : Romina Vázquez
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