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Interactive documentary “Thanatorama” explores the “after-life” industry.

2007 Julian Guintard,Vincent Baillais
EN,FR Visit the project

“There is a slow interactivity, for me it’s a way to keep the audience active. Even if it’s very immersive and slow, maybe sometimes it asks a little question–this is a premise for the medium.”

Alexandre Brachet, Producer, in Submarine Channel

“You died this morning. Are you interested in what comes next?” So begins the dark and lyrical Thanatorama, a French web documentary by Ana María de Jesus. Thanatorama examines the burial process as modern-day ritual. Have you signed a burial contract? Do mass-produced coffins or industrial-sized crematoriums impede on the individuality of death? And what about the anonymous workers in this process?

The web documentary begins from a speculative position—a first person perspective of the body of the deceased. From there the user can move between a nest of chapters, such as a choice between cremation or burial. A pull-down list lets audience members access chapters they may have missed. Photographs and poetic narration make up each chapter, combining documentation with a metaphysical contemplation on life and death.

Project at a Glance :

Language : EN,FR
Country : France
Year : 2007
Author : Julian Guintard,Vincent Baillais
Producer : Alexandre Brachet,Upian
Team : Ana María de Jesus
Exhibition Venues : IDFA DocLab
Awards & Nominations : Web Flash Festival Award Winner
Funders AND Incubators : CNC,Rue 89,SCAM,Upian
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