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_The Shirt On Your Back

The Shirt on Your Back is an interactive documentary about the dangers of the global garment industry.

2014 Lindsay Poulton
EN Visit the project

A very simple but powerful concept which put the viewer and reader right at the centre of the story.
A hugely compelling piece of storytelling delivered with nuance and clarity.

Judges citation, Amnesty International Media Awards (winner, Digital Innovation)

The Shirt on Your Back is an interactive documentary about the Rana Plaza disaster, the deadliest garment-factory accident in history, and the global garment industry. In this interactive documentary, Guardian journalists trace the lifecycle of a shirt as well as the human cost of the Bangladeshi garment industry.

Project at a Glance :

Language : EN
Country : Bangladesh
Year : 2014
Author : Lindsay Poulton
Producer : The Guardian
Team : Daan Louter,David Levene,Francesca Panetta,Jason Burke,Robin Beitra
Developers : Robin Beitra,The Guardian
Designers : Daan Louter,The Guardian
Funders AND Incubators : The Guardian with support from WorldView
Trailer :

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