Family Pictures USA
_Family Pictures USA
A collaborative transmedia project and television series exploring USA history through family pictures archives.
Immigrant Nation
_Immigrant Nation
Participatory web documentary "Immigrant Nation" traces the story of the United States’ rich history of immigration through personal narratives.
Gone Gitmo
_Gone Gitmo
Second-Life and Unity3D versions of the Guantánamo Bay Detention Center function as an interactive and educational experience of the prison…
The Waiting Room
_The Waiting Room
A community media project looks at the state of American healthcare through the lens of a waiting room at an Oakland hospital.
Question Bridge: Black Males
_Question Bridge: Black Males
"Question Bridge: Black Males" facilitates conversations within the African American male community across political, class, geographic,…
Always in Season Island
_Always in Season Island
Second Life documentary project "Always in Season Island" explores the history of lynching in the United States.