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EMPEROR is an interactive and narrative experience in virtual reality, which invites the user to travel inside the brain of a father, suffering from aphasia.

2023 Ilan J. Cohen,Marion Burger
DE,EN,FR Visit the project

“More than the medical aspect of his condition, [Marion] was interested in the poetry of some of the absurd situations which she had sometimes encountered. One day she found herself comparing aphasia to a distant country. She could see him lost in this faraway land, trying to

find his bearings, attempting to be understood. This idea helped her imagine his distress, and a bridge to try to reach him. But in order to grasp what he was trying to say, she’d have to delve into the man he had once been.”

Marion Burger and Ilan J. Cohen, Authors of “Emperor”

EMPEROR is born from a true story.

The story of Marion’s father, who has been suffering from aphasia for the past fifteen years. He confuses words, and stumbles over each syllable. He understands everything, but can no longer make himself understood.

It is the story of a man who’s lost his ability to speak, and of the daughter trying to communicate with him. It is the story of a woman, who wasn’t given the chance to know the man behind her father, now obscured by this illness.

As she tries to piece together what remains of his language, she discovers that his relationship to words is connected to his memories. The memories of an entire lifetime… Step by step, clue after clue, we will dive alongside her into the inner world of this man, in an attempt to decipher the story he can no longer tell us.

In a monochrome aesthetic, close to traditional animation, this personal story is told as a journey with surreal overtones, offering to explore aphasia as a distant country.
EMPEROR is a poetic experience of the loss of one’s faculties, of the passing of time, and of the bonds which, through it all, remain.

Project at a Glance :

Language : DE,EN,FR
Country : France,Germany
Year : 2023
Author : Ilan J. Cohen,Marion Burger
Producer : ATLAS V,France Televisions,Reynard Films
Team : Côme Jalibert,Gaspar Claus,Jamie Turner,Jeanne Marchalot,Katharina Weser,Olivia Cooke,Oriane Hurard,Vimala Pons
Developers : Albyon Studio
Designers : Albyon Studio
Topics : Aphasia,Communication,Disability,Family
Technologies : Meta Quest,Unity
Techniques : Hand Tracking,Motion Capture,Realtime 3D
Exhibition Venues : BOCS,JSH (INVR),Studio Phi
Awards & Nominations : Annecy Film Festival - Festival Connexion Special VR Award,Festival International du Court-Métrage de Clermont-Ferrand - Best VR Film,International Festival of Animated Films (ANIFILM) - Best VR,Numix Awards - Best Experience XR,Stereopsia - BEST UX DESIGN,SXSW Film Festival - AUDIENCE AWARD,Thessaloniki Intl Documentary Festival - Best Golden Alexander,Venice - BEST ACHIEVEMENT,XRMust Awards 2023 - BEST VISUAL DESIGN
distribution : France Télévisions,Meta Store
Budget Range : $800000
Funders AND Incubators : 2019 VR Arles Writing Residency,2021 Atelier Grand Nord XR,2021 IDFA R&D DocLab,ANGOA,Astrea,Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée (CNC),FFF Bayern and the Bavarian State Ministry for Digital Affairs,La Bourse Orange XR,La Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes with the participation of the CNC,La Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur in partnership with the CNC,MEDIA Creative Europe,Medienboard Berlin-Brandeburg,PROCIREP-Société des Producteurs,SLM
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