In Pursuit of Repetitive Beats

_In Pursuit of Repetitive Beats

Using contributors and collaborators from the UK's rave past, this piece of immersive art uses creative non-fiction to re-examine what this…


EMPEROR is an interactive and narrative experience in virtual reality, which invites the user to travel inside the brain of a father, suffering…


Kusunda is a voice-driven virtual reality experience that explores the disappearance and revitalization of a language.


Rozsypne is a roomscale VR experience about the MH17 Plane Crash from a Ukrainian point of view.
Porton Down

_Porton Down

An experimental biography that uses virtual reality to enable audiences to descend into the unnerving zone of a government’s human experimentation…


ANIMALIA SUM, (lat.): "I am animals, I eat animals," is a duality explored in this VR film.
Celestial Motion

_Celestial Motion

Inspired by the spectacular imagery of solar physics, Celestial Motion uses contemporary dance and motion capture technology to explore…
1979 Revolution Game

_1979 Revolution Game

1979 Revolution is a documentary game set in Tehran during the Iranian Revolution