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Get a real-life follower for a day.

2016 Lauren McCarthy
EN Visit the project

“I like the feeling of being completely at the whim of someone else. They control where I go and what I do. Each time they venture in a new direction I feel dizzy with excitement. Where are they going, where will we end up? By the end of the day I start to make guesses feeling as though I know them. I’m almost always wrong.”

Lauren McCarthy, Author


Follower is a service that provides an “IRL” (in real life) follower for one day. In order to receive this service, the user needs to submit an application on the project website by answering two questions: “Why do you want to be followed?” and “Why should we follow you?” and providing preferred days to be followed. Once selected, the user receives an app to install in his or her mobile device; s/he is notified on the day of the following, and receives a picture of herself or himself at the end of the day.

The follower’s role is to be within the user’s consciousness but just beyond their sight–just like an online follower. The project is a satire on our social media culture that promotes being together in a crowd, yet alone. At the same time, it is a cheeky reminder that we live in a surveillance state.

Project at a Glance :

Language : EN
Country : United States
Year : 2016
Author : Lauren McCarthy
Producer : Lauren McCarthy
Team : David Leonard
Developers : Lauren McCarthy
Designers : Michelle Lin
Exhibition Venues : IDFA DocLab,Share Festival
Awards & Nominations : NYU Arts Grant,Share Prize Honorable Mention
Funders AND Incubators : NYU Tisch,Stochastic Labs
Url :
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