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InfoAmazonia provides news, reports, data and crowdsourced stories on endangered regions of the Amazon forest.

2012 Gustavo Faleiros
EN,ES,PT Visit the project

“Through data journalism and digital storytelling, InfoAmazonia tries to create a compelling narrative about the large-scale changes in a globally important place.”

Gustavo Faleiros, Project Coordinator

InfoAmazonia is a web platform that brings news and information about the Amazon forest and the nine countries it spans. The resources available on the website include maps and datasets that are ready to download and use, and a “special projects” section which includes miscellaneous programs such as a water safety network or a flood alert program. In addition, the website has a citizen participation section for crowdsourcing stories and news. With these diverse resources, InfoAmazonia aims to educate people about one of the most biodiverse areas of the world and the environmental challenges it faces.


Project at a Glance :

Language : EN,ES,PT
Country : Brazil
Year : 2012
Author : Gustavo Faleiros
Producer : International Center for Journalists,Internews Earth Journalism Network
Team : Giovanny Vera,Juiliana Mori,Laura Kurtzberg,Stefano Wrobleski,Thiago Medaglia
Developers : Miguel Peixe,Vitor George
Designers : Hebert Valois
Budget Range : $35K
Funders AND Incubators : Avina,CLUA,Earth Journalism Network,International Center for Journalists,O Eco Lab of Innovation on Environmental Journalism,Skoll Foundation
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