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_Las rutas del oro

“Las rutas del oro” (English title: “Behind the Dirty Gold”) is an interactive web-documentary developed by the Peruvian Society for Environmental Law.

2015 Audrey Cordova,Jérémy Joly,Jimmy Carrillo
EN,ESP Visit the project

Through “Las rutas del oro” project we wanted to expose to a large audience the problem of illegal gold mining in five countries of the Amazon (Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia and Ecuador). We wanted to present this problem through a trip and a journalistic investigation in order that citizens felt part of this story and understand better the complexity of that issue.

Audrey Cordova Rampant, Author

“Las rutas del oro” (English title: “Behind the Dirty Gold”) is an interactive web-documentary developed by the Peruvian Society for Environmental Law. The documentary explores the illegal trade of Amazonian gold. Through testimonies of illegal minors, researchers, and authorities, the documentary shows how illegal gold trade is carried out in one of the most biodiverse areas of the world, and why efforts to end illegal gold trade need to be amplified.

Project at a Glance :

Language : EN,ESP
Country : Peru
Year : 2015
Author : Audrey Cordova,Jérémy Joly,Jimmy Carrillo
Producer : Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental
Team : Antonio Soto,Audrey Cordova,Fabiola Torres,Nelly Luna,Oscar Castilla
Developers : Jérémy Joly,Racontr
Designers : Lucas De La Cruz,Otto Alegre
Exhibition Venues : Visa pour l’image de Perpignan
Awards & Nominations : Awarded with Best Camera prize in National peruvian journalism prizes (2015),Selected as finalist for Visa pour l'image: Festival International du Photojournalisme
Budget Range : $25K
Funders AND Incubators : The International Union for Conservation of Nature's Holland
Url :
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