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Data visualization “Lovelines” creates a portrait of human emotion by aggregating blog posts featuring the words “love” and “hate.”

2006 Jonathan Harris,Sep Kamvar
EN Visit the project

“Constructed entirely from found artifacts–words and pictures posted to blogs–”Lovelines” draws its identity from a world of strangers, brought together by shared degrees of desire.”

Jonathan Harris and Sep Kamvar, Authors, Lovelines

A collaboration between artist Jonathan Harris and scientist Sep Kamvar, Lovelines attempts to visualize a map of human desire using data scraped from blogs. Lovelines repurposes the data engine Harris and Kamvar built for an earlier collaboration, We Feel Fine. While We Feel Fine collects any blog post dealing with emotion—triggered by the words “I feel”—Lovelines pulls posts featuring the words “love” and “hate,” as well as a variety of emotions in between, like want, indifference, and dislike. As website visitors move a slider from “love” to “hate,” the site reveals a map of emotion charting how frequently each word has appeared. Visitors can choose to explore Lovelines through words, pictures, or superlatives.


Project at a Glance :

Language : EN
Country : United States
Year : 2006
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