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_Seven Digital Deadly Sins

Is our online behavior subject to the same standards as we uphold in real life? By reimagining the classic seven deadly sins for a digital age, this interactive documentary reflects on how online life affects our moral compass.

2014 Alicia Smith,Francesca Panetta,Jeremy Mendes,Lindsay Poulton,Loc Dao
EN Visit the project

It was interesting creating a project that is so critical of how we live our digital lives while being so immersed in technology and design. We had to make sure we always brought it back to the concept which is what our goal always is in our form of interactive documentary.

Loc Dao, Commissioning Editor and Executive Producer, in PSFK


This interactive documentary produced by the NFB and The Guardian imagines what the seven deadly sins look like when updated for the digital age. Featuring “digital sin” confessions from a broad spectrum of contributors, including folk musician and activist Billy Bragg, comics Josie Long, Ophira Eisenberg and Bill Bailey, actress/comedian Mary Walsh, Seven Digital Deadly Sins reveals that these celebrities use and abuse the internet as well.

Viewers are able to share their own confessions, cast judgement on the confessions of others, and see whether they are more forgiving or more critical than their peers. This interactive documentary uses the “confessional” feature to provoke thought and consideration of how the internet affects our moral compass, as well as how we compare individually to our contemporaries.


Project at a Glance :

Language : EN
Country : Canada
Year : 2014
Author : Alicia Smith,Francesca Panetta,Jeremy Mendes,Lindsay Poulton,Loc Dao
Producer : Jam3,National Film Board of Canada,The Guardian
Team : Dave Ehrenreich,David Aspinall,Janine Steele,Liam Mitchell,Pablo Vio
Developers : Jam3Media
Designers : Jam3Media
Awards & Nominations : FWA Website Awards
Url :
Trailer :

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