2018 | Eliza McNitt |
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“SPHERES is inspired by the idea that space is not silent—in fact, it’s actually full of sound. We’ve spent thousands of years studying the cosmos and trying to understand our place in the universe, but for the first time we’re listening to its music.”
Eliza McNitt, Director in Oculus Blog.
At the cross between art and science, SPHERES: Songs of a Spacetime is the second of a three-episode VR experience exploring the sound of the cosmos.
Based on the groundbreaking Physics Noble Prize detection of gravitational waves, wrinkles in the fabric of space-time, Songs of Spacetime submerges the user into that moment of discovery prompted by the collision of two black holes that not only proves Einstein theory but also reveals the sounds of the universe.
For 15 minutes, the user is surrounded by darkness and colorful visualizations of the gravitational forces of the universe in this walkable VR installation. But the main character is the sound and music which envelopes the participant, guided by Jessica Chastain’s narration. The user is also invited to sing along and join the music of this virtual cosmos.
SPHERES is created by Eliza McNitt, a director interested in using virtual reality as a way to explore science through embodied experience, what she also did in her previous VR project, Fistful of Stars. For creating the sound experience she collaborated with Craig Hennigan, sound designer on Requiem for a Dream and more, and with the composers of Stranger Things, Kyle Dixon and Michael Stein.
The project is produced by Darren Aronofsky and the French VR company Atlas V, and premiered at 2018 Sundance New Frontier. The first episode, Chorus of the Cosmos, traverses the sounds of the universe from the earth’s perspective narrated by Millie Bobby Brown. The final episode, Pale Blue Dot, premiered at 2018 Tribeca Film Festival Virtual Arcade, is narrated by Patty Smith and explores the sounds after the Big Bang. The entire trilogy was presented at the 75th Venice Film Festival and won the best VR (immersive story) award.