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A photo essay depicts the borders between cities and nature.

2011 Tristan Fortin Le Breton
EN,FR Visit the project

“These generic spaces, these border areas, are expressions of our prosperity. They were developed to respond to our needs for instant gratification and represent the ideology of economic growth at any price.”

Tristan Fortin le Breton, Creator, in Territories

First, an apocalyptic image: a pile of rubble and twisted metal lays spent on a dirt path. Behind it, a leafless forest. Propelled by dark strings and piano, this photograph fades into something else entirely, a suburban housing lot surrounded by a moat of asphalt. A third picture bridges the first two—the flat black of a parking lot juts up to a crumbling barn. Here are the images of development, where urban infrastructure meets the remnants of nature.

Photographer Tristan Fortin Le Breton used a large format camera to take vivid, black and white pictures of urban development. Split into 10 ambient sections, the photos rotate between the boxy forms of development and the soft shapes of nature and wilderness. An apocalyptic soundtrack strings the photo-sets together, and the user is free to choose their order.

Project at a Glance :

Language : EN,FR
Country : Canada
Year : 2011
Author : Tristan Fortin Le Breton
Producer : National Film Board of Canada
Team : Françoise Turcotte,Hugues Sweeney,Zéro Un
Funders AND Incubators : Le Devoir,National Film Board of Canada,
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