Rooted in the realm of Indigenous futurism, Biidaaban: First Light is an interactive VR time-jump into a highly realistic—and radically…
Merging non-fiction and fiction, Motto is an interactive story available online for mobile devices where viewers navigate through other…
I’ve Always Been Jealous of Other People’s Families
_I’ve Always Been Jealous of Other People’s Families
This interactive machine-learning installation investigates the mental states of the intelligent machines we create.
Way to Go
_Way to Go
Take an interactive walk in the woods.
HIGHRISE: Universe Within
_HIGHRISE: Universe Within
HIGHRISE: Universe Within reveals the hidden digital lives of highrise residents around the world.
Primal invites you to share your deepest feelings by screaming in front of your computer or your mobile device’s camera. By participating…
A Short History of the Highrise
_A Short History of the Highrise
This interactive documentary, designed as an immersive storybook experience, details the 2,500 year history of the highrise building and…
The Last Hunt
_The Last Hunt
Step into the wilds of Quebec's northern woods and join a family on what may be the final instance of a family tradition: the last hunt.
Fort McMoney
_Fort McMoney
Explore the frozen town of Fort McMurray and the tangled web of consequences fueled by the get-rich-quick mentality of its inhabitants in…
Here at Home
_Here at Home
Exploring a radical program to combat homelessness, "Here at Home" combines data-driven storytelling techniques with the emotive power of…
The Hole Story
_The Hole Story
Drawing on video game storytelling, "The Hole Story" puts audience members in the position of a mining entrepreneur.
Participatory storytelling project "Hyperlocal" charts Canada’s changing neighborhoods.
Sacrée montagne
_Sacrée montagne
Web documentary "Sacrée montagne" explores religion and spirituality through the lens of Montreal’s Mount Royal.