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_The Enemy

Standing at the crossroads between neuroscience, artificial intelligence and storytelling, The Enemy is a virtual reality experiment that puts the viewer in the middle of two combatants from opposite sides observing each other.

2016 Karim Ben Khelifa
EN,FR Visit the project

The enemy is always invisible.  When he becomes visible, he ceases to be the enemy.

Karim Ben Khelifa, Author.

Two combatants from opposite sides observe each other in a virtual reality environment. The viewer is in the middle. At the crossroads between neuroscience, artificial intelligence and storytelling, The Enemy takes the viewer on an odyssey through some of the most contested conflicts of the world to acknowledge people’s humanity.

Project at a Glance :

Language : EN,FR
Country : Canada,France,United States
Year : 2016
Author : Karim Ben Khelifa
Producer : Camera Lucida
Team : Chloe Jarry,Helene Adamo
Developers : Emissive
Designers : Fabien Barati,Karim Ben Khelifa
Exhibition Venues : Tribeca
Budget Range : $1600K
Funders AND Incubators : Camera Lucida,Doris Duke Foundation,Emissive,France Télévisions,MIT Center for Art Science & Technology (CAST),MIT Open Documentary Lab,National Film Board of Canada,Open Society Foundation,Open Society Foundation Documentary Photo Project,Sundance Film Institute,Sundance New Frontier Lab,TriBeCa Film Institute,TriBeCa New Media Fund retreat
Url :
Trailer :

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  1. G. Bisco

    Can you display the questionnaire given to visitors before they engage in “the enemy is here” display.

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