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A virtual journey through the memories of a lost love

2018 Aaron Bradbury
EN Visit the project

“When I’m asked what’s so special about VR, I always talk about intimacy. It is the intimacy between space and story that has the power to transform.”

Aaron Bradbury, Author.

Vestige is an intimate virtual reality journey through the memories of Lisa Elin and her lost love. Using phone calls as a channel into the past, the user follows Lisa’s narration of the life she had with her husband to the moment of his death and the grieving process afterward. As she speaks, the virtual space transforms, bringing back to life those moments rendered as ethereal figures formed with vibrant lines shapeshifting depending on the emotional state of the story. The user can move and interact with the environment, triggering different parts of the story and thus creating a unique experience. The spatialized sound and music also follows the user’s perspective and intensifies the emotional atmosphere created throughout as the user dives into it.

The project was made using Depthkit volumetric filmmaking tool and Unity real-time engine to build a responsive environment, tracking the user in real time and allowing a 6DOF (degrees of freedom) interaction.

Project at a Glance :

Language : EN
Country : United States
Year : 2018
Author : Aaron Bradbury
Producer : Antoine Cayrol,Jill Klekas Basmajian,Paul Mowbray
Team : Alethea Avramis,Arnaud Colinart,Bryn Mooser,Corentin Lambot,Fred Volhuer,Gabrielle Floquet,Hayley Pappas,Helen Mutch,Jacqueline Westfall,Jake Sally,Lisa Elin,Louis Vella,Martin Arrowsmith,Patch Harvey,Pierre Zandrowicz,René Pinnell,Richard J. Birkin,Robbie Newman,Starkey,Tom Turrell
Developers : Anna Charrière,Duane Bradbury,Magali Jammet,Pauline Augrain
Designers : Neil Smith
Exhibition Venues : Future of Storytelling,Geneva International Film Festival,LA Film Festival,Sheffield Doc/Fest,SXSW,Tribeca
Awards & Nominations : Geneva International Film Festival / Best Immersive Work,Sheffield Doc/Fest Virtual Reality Award Special Mention
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