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_Please call, very sentimental

“Please call, very sentimental” is an immersive meditation on our attachment to photographs as a tangible manifestation of memory.

2011 Alicia Smith
EN Visit the project

“A father’s funeral, the birth of a child, a missing pet. An exploration of changing technology and what gets lost along the way.”

Homepage quote in Please Call, Very Sentimental

During a trip to a thrift store in rural Manitoba, Alicia Smith stumbled upon a Ziploc bag full of 200 photographs of a family from the 1940s. She began thinking about our emotional and physical attachment to photographs and how that relationship is changing in an age of ubiquitous camera phones and digital images. Please call, very sentimental evokes these themes by juxtaposing photographic prints from the same Ziploc bag with Craigslist postings written by people who have lost cellphones containing precious memories in the form of digital photographs.

Project at a Glance :

Language : EN
Country : Canada
Year : 2011
Author : Alicia Smith
Producer : National Film Board of Canada
Team : Christine Fellows
Funders AND Incubators : National Film Board of Canada
Url :
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