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_Soldier Brother

An examination of the effects of contemporary warfare and communication on a brother and sister.

2012 Kaitlin Jones
EN Visit the project

“I’m not someone people would expect to have a brother in the army. Yet I do. And everyone, I learned, seems to have preconceived ideas and notions about that. . . . This is my attempt to offer a different, new perspective.”

Kaitlin Jones, Author, in NFB Blog


Kaitlin Jones never thought she’d have a personal connection to war. But when her brother decided to enlist, a conflict a world away suddenly affected the closest and most intimate of family ties. In Soldier Brother, Jones examines the objects of her brother’s old life that act as ever-present reminders of his absence and cast her family memories in a strange new light. Punctuating these reveries are more urgent moments of text-driven communication between the narrator and her enlisted brother, reflecting on the role of the web as both a means of connection for military families and a reminder of their distance. Originally a non-digital artist, Jones worked with the interactive team at the National Film Board of Canada to transform the experience of one pair of siblings into an interactive experience that resonates with all families.

Project at a Glance :

Language : EN
Country : Canada
Year : 2012
Author : Kaitlin Jones
Producer : National Film Board of Canada
Team : Darren Ortiz,Loc Dao,Rob McLaughlin,The Vacuum,Vincent McCurly
Awards & Nominations : Webby Award Nominee
Funders AND Incubators : National Film Board of Canada
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