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_We Feel Fine

“We Feel Fine” visualizes emotional “data,” creating a record of people’s emotions as expressed on blogs and social media.

2006 Jonathan Harris,Sep Kamvar
EN Visit the project

“There are thousands of stories waiting to be told collaboratively by millions of people who don’t know each other.”

Sep Kamvar, Co-Creator, in WorkBook Project


So much of online content veers towards the personal; updates, reactions, comments, likes (or dislikes) are full with emotion. Jonathan Harris and Sep Kamvar’s We Feel Fine is a data-driven project designed to document, highlight, and visualize emotional data. In 2005 Harris and Kamvar began to cull blog posts that included the phrase “I feel…” or “I am feeling…” From these, they created a dense archive of online emotions tagged with basic metadata related to the poster, including their gender, age, location, and local weather conditions. By 2009, Harris and Kamvar had recorded nine millions feelings from 2.3 million blogs, with 15,000 – 20,000 entries added daily.

We Feel Fine features a kinetic, interactive design, with an array of search metrics. Visitors can begin by picking at a feeling at random, or they can browse the site methodically, searching by custom meta-data or by one of the thousands of listed feelings. From there, the data-set has six possible visualizations, each revealing a different aspect of human emotion.


Project at a Glance :

Language : EN
Country : United States
Year : 2006
Exhibition Venues : "GenArt" Laufen Gallery,"I've Been Waiting For You" at Triad New Media Gallery Fabrica,Decode: Digital Design Sensations,Sundance
Awards & Nominations : Pixel Award Winner,Webby Award Nominee
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