Trolls vs Elves
_Trolls vs Elves
...disinformation campaigns. As players interact with the narrative, they explore the roots, strategies, and impact of digital manipulation, shedding light on how informational warfare shapes public perception both online and...
Social Bouquet
_Social Bouquet
...with friends, rather than just being a target for clickbait or competing with others for likes and comments. This is an artistic attempt to reclaim the online space that we...
In Pursuit of Repetitive Beats
_In Pursuit of Repetitive Beats
...for a deeper look into In Pursuit of Repetitive Beats: Behind the Scenes Making of Films: Episode 1, Episode 2 –, Episode 3 –,,,...
Southeast Chicago Archive and Storytelling Project
_Southeast Chicago Archive and Storytelling Project
The Southeast Chicago Archive and Storytelling Project (SECASP) is an online collaborative venture ten years in the making. It highlights a remarkable collection of objects gathered and preserved by residents...
Porton Down
_Porton Down
Porton Down is an experimental biography that uses virtual reality to enable audiences to descend into the unnerving zone of a government’s human experimentation program. The piece explores the disquieting...
Motto: A behind-the-scenes look at the making of Vincent Morisset’s latest adventure
_Motto: A behind-the-scenes look at the making of Vincent Morisset’s latest adventure to explore an approach that’s closer to the documentary process through a collection [of images] that both I and collaborators make (online and in the field). The uncontrolled nature...
AI Platforms for Interactive Storytellers
_AI Platforms for Interactive Storytellers
...set up. Unity provides several pre-trained environments and agents to start and play with, and there are already a bunch of easy and fun tutorials to follow online. ml5.js by...
Still Here
_Still Here
Still Here weaves a first-person narrative, collaborative storytelling, and data visualization to articulate the challenges of re-entering society after incarceration. This project consists of an AR piece, a VR piece,...
After Solitary
_After Solitary
...unique case nor is this story just a VR experience, but a harrowing reality faced by thousands of incarcerated people today. After Solitary is also a 360-video experience available online....
Climate Witness Project
_Climate Witness Project temperature. Built from the philosophy of the human rights organization Witness (, The Climate Witness project provides the tools for students to document the impact of humanity’s crimes against...
Aftermath VR: Euromaidan
_Aftermath VR: Euromaidan
Aftermath VR: Euromaidan is an immersive documentary project about the Euromaidan Revolution in Kyiv, Ukraine. This experience reconstructs the events that occurred on February 20 2014, when government police forces...