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An exploration of personal loss, Aaron Vincent Elkaim’s interactive photo essay “Fire” focuses on his grandparents’ cabin, destroyed by fire years after their death.

2009 Aaron Vincent Elkaim
EN Visit the project

“There was no one else there. My grandparents had both passed years before, and the cabin had become a sanctuary for their souls.”

Aaron Vincent Elkaim, Photographer, Fire

Interactive photo essay Fire explores grief, mourning, and remembrance. When photographer Aaron Vincent Elkaim learned that his grandparents’ cabin had burned down, he captured the damage on film. Although both of Elkaim’s grandparents were long dead, the cabin had been preserved just as they left it. Web visitors are invited to wander around the cabin through a collection of Elkaim’s high-fidelity photographs. Elkaim intersperses first person recollections between photos, providing background on his grandparents and their relationship with his family.

Project at a Glance :

Language : EN
Country : Canada
Year : 2009
Author : Aaron Vincent Elkaim
Producer : National Film Board of Canada
Funders AND Incubators : National Film Board of Canada
Url :
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