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_The Eviction Lab

Visualizing the housing crisis across the U.S.

2017 Adam Porton,Ashley Gromis,James Hendrickson,Katie Krywokulski,Lavar Edmonds,Lillian Leung,Matthew Desmond
EN,ES Visit the project

“Today, the majority of poor renting families in America spend over half of their income on housing costs, and eviction is transforming their lives. Yet little is known about the prevalence, causes, and consequences of housing insecurity. To bring this hidden problem into the light the Eviction Lab at Princeton University has published, mapped, and visualized the first ever nationwide dataset of evictions in America.”

The Eviction Lab team.

Eviction Lab is a trans-disciplinary project based at Princeton University and formed by sociologists, statisticians, economists, journalists, and web designers, as well as community members to document the rising crisis of affordable housing across the United States in real time. Through a rigorous methodology, they have collected over 80 million eviction court records, organized them in an open dataset which has been crossed with demographic data from the Census, and georeferenced on an interactive map to visualize and try to explain this complex phenomenon as it intersects with other sociopolitical and economic conditions. In the Map & Data platform, people can create custom maps, charts, and reports, discover new facts about how eviction is shaping their community, and use that information to raise awareness and think of new solutions to this critical issue.

Project at a Glance :

Language : EN,ES
Country : United States
Year : 2017
Author : Adam Porton,Ashley Gromis,James Hendrickson,Katie Krywokulski,Lavar Edmonds,Lillian Leung,Matthew Desmond
Producer : Hyperobjekt,The Eviction Lab at Princeton University
Team : Abby Bajuniemi,James Minton
Developers : James Minton,Lane Olson,Patrick Sier
Designers : Noele Lusano
Topics : Housing Rights,Urban Life
Technologies : AngularJS,D3,Mapbox
Techniques : Data Visualization,Mapping
Funders AND Incubators : Chan Zuckerberg Initiative,Ford Foundation,Gates,JPB
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