In Pursuit of Repetitive Beats
_In Pursuit of Repetitive Beats
Using contributors and collaborators from the UK's rave past, this piece of immersive art uses creative non-fiction to re-examine what this…
The Sound Voice Project
_The Sound Voice Project
A unique, immersive opera-video performance installation exploring powerful stories of voice loss and identity.
Only Expansion
_Only Expansion
Only Expansion is an augmented audio tour that mixes real-time urban sounds with recordings of geological landscapes in flux.
The Waiting Room VR
_The Waiting Room VR
The Waiting Room VR is an intimate portrait of the cancer treatment process from a patient's point of view.
Non-Face is a digital, topological drama that questions our preconceptions of what's inside and outside.
Through the Wardrobe
_Through the Wardrobe
Through the Wardrobe is a documentary mixed-reality installation that invites the audience to learn about and play with gender expression.