The DNA Project
_The DNA Project
The DNA Project is an interactive documentary that chronicles the creation of musician j.viewz’ newest album.
Last Hijack Interactive
_Last Hijack Interactive
Last Hijack Interactive is an online transmedia experience that allows you to explore the hijacking of a ship in Somalia.
Clouds Over Cuba
_Clouds Over Cuba
Clouds Over Cuba is an interactive multimedia documentary commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Rooted in post-Katrina New Orleans, LandofOpportunity is an ongoing exploration of the often contentious process of community redevelopment…
The Disaster Resilience Journal
_The Disaster Resilience Journal
42 short online serialized articles, released daily via social media networks, blogs, and word of mouth.
Hidden Wounds Interactive
_Hidden Wounds Interactive
An interactive music video for a song originally based on a news article, "Hidden Wounds Interactive" delves into the invisible devastation…
Sputnik Observatory
_Sputnik Observatory
In this interesting and often inspiring interactive database, users can explore a panoply of ideas from A to Z by navigating expert interviews…
How Much Is Left?
_How Much Is Left?
Interactive timeline "How Much Is Left?" creates a data-driven portrait of climate change.
Havana/Miami: Times are Changing
_Havana/Miami: Times are Changing
Interactive documentary "Havana/Miami" examines life on both sides of the US-Cuba border by exploring the lives of 12 individuals in Havana…
Farewell Comrades
_Farewell Comrades
Personal postcards become a gateway to history in the interactive documentary "Farewell Comrades."
The Johnny Cash Project
_The Johnny Cash Project
A crowdsourced music video, "The Johnny Cash Project" pays tribute to the iconic Man in Black.
Spirit of ‘45
_Spirit of ‘45
The web component for Ken Loach's film vastly expands his project by adding interviews, historical data, and interactive timelines.
Question Bridge: Black Males
_Question Bridge: Black Males
"Question Bridge: Black Males" facilitates conversations within the African American male community across political, class, geographic,…