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Share your own stories and publish them to any service or platform available on android.

StoryMaker is an open source app that enables existing and aspiring journalists all over the world to produce and publish professional-grade news with their Android phone, as safely and securely as possible. It provides an interactive training guide, walkthroughs, and templates for users to follow as they plan their piece and capture media. The app then helps assemble the content into a finished format, with cuts and basic graphics.

The app’s textbook will teach you how to be a mobile journalist. StoryMaker’s templates will give your story structure to produce photo, audio, or video stories. Overlays will improve your compositions.

You will be able to share your own stories and publish them to any service or platform available on android.

Project at a Glance :

Company : The Guardian
Year : 2014
Proprietary or Open-source : Open-source
Types : Mobile web app
Inputs : Audio,Pictures,Stories,video
Outputs : Composited stories,Multimedia content,Publish Stories,Share Stories,Story Structure,Textbook to be a Mobile Journalist
Skill levels : Android,Smartphones
Costs : Free
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