IBM Cloud
_IBM Cloud
IBMCloud offers the tools, data and APIs to create AI.
Mouse and Keyboard Interactions for Virtual Reality Experiences
_Mouse and Keyboard Interactions for Virtual Reality Experiences
Virtual reality experiences require a new set of conventions for interactions with familiar devices.
Smartphone Controls for Virtual Reality
_Smartphone Controls for Virtual Reality
A smartphone is an ideal device for interacting with virtual reality.
Smart Cropping for Web Video
_Smart Cropping for Web Video
A tool for displaying video at any aspect ratio. With ubiquitous availability of video in mobile and desktop browsers, letterbox may no…
The Listen Tree Project
_The Listen Tree Project
Our intervention is motivated by a need for forms of display that fade into the background, inviting attention rather than requiring it.…
BLIND SPOT is a way of creating a new media reality for all of us by letting everyone create one for each of us.
A place for all interactive storytellers to create, publish and share their i-docs, interactive videos, serious games, desktop and mobile…
First World War
_First World War
The Guardian's special projects editor, Francesca Panetta, outlines how they've created an innovative multimedia guide to the first world…