Last Hijack Interactive
_Last Hijack Interactive
Last Hijack Interactive is an online transmedia experience that allows you to explore the hijacking of a ship in Somalia.
Empire Interactive
_Empire Interactive
Shot in ten countries over the course of four years, Empire employs human-scaled storytelling to explore how the conditions of the past…
Guernica, pintura de guerra
_Guernica, pintura de guerra
The first Spanish transmedia and multiplatform documentary in homage to the 70th anniversary of the bombing of the city of Guernica by the…
A Short History of the Highrise
_A Short History of the Highrise
This interactive documentary, designed as an immersive storybook experience, details the 2,500 year history of the highrise building and…
48 Hour Games
_48 Hour Games
Video game mechanics and interface features power players through this "choose your own adventure" doc about the Nordic Game Jam.
Fort McMoney
_Fort McMoney
Explore the frozen town of Fort McMurray and the tangled web of consequences fueled by the get-rich-quick mentality of its inhabitants in…