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Ingrid Kopp


Ingrid Kopp is Director of Digital Initiatives at the Tribeca Film Institute where she oversees the TFI New Media Fund and leads the Institute's digital and interactive programs, including TFI Interactive and Tribeca Hacks. She programmed the inaugural Tribeca Storyscapes program for interactive, transmedia work at the Tribeca Film Festival in 2013.

Previously, she was Editor-in-Chief of Shooting People in the US, an international networking organization for independent filmmakers with over 38,000 members. She began her career in the Documentaries department at Channel 4 Television in the U.K. before moving to New York in 2004 to work as a producer for a number of independent production companies. She writes about film, social media, and technology for various publications and is a frequent speaker on interactive storytelling and maker culture.

Ingrid’s Picks

Ingrid Kopp, Director of Digital Initiatives at the Tribeca Film Institute, shares some of her favorite interactive works, from early influences to latest inspirations.

Explore Ingrid’s playlist and discover what resonates with you!

_Video Nation

A participatory documentary project that transformed from a TV project to a growing online archive.

Video Nation and the related project Capture Wales were both huge influences on me when I first started working in television. It was an introduction to different possibilities for telling stories, outside of the traditional commissioning structure I was used to. Later I found out about the NFB’s Challenge for Change project that started in the 1960s. I find it both comforting and humbling to look at the historical roots of participatory and digital storytelling projects.


"Gaza/Sderot" documents human resilience by capturing stories from neighboring cities Gaza and Sderot, each on different sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

This is still one of the best examples of using the interaction to tell the story. The interaction is the story in many ways with the border constantly present.

_We Feel Fine

"We Feel Fine" visualizes emotional "data," creating a record of people's emotions as expressed on blogs and social media.

Jonathan Harris has always interested me because he both embraces and resists technology. I don't think I'm alone in saying that this project made me realize how data and information can become part of how we tell stories.

_The Sheep Market

A surprisingly moving data visualization project that reveals the human side of the internet with a collection of 10,000 hand-drawn sheep.

Aaron Koblin's work also influenced me in terms of his use of data, design and creative code to reveal new kinds of stories about the world. Flight Patterns is beautiful but The Sheep Market is funny (and a little disturbing when you consider his use of Amazon Mechanical Turk).

_Welcome to Pine Point

"Welcome to Pine Point" profiles an abandoned mining town in Canada’s Northwest Territories, drawing on the memories of its former inhabitants and showcasing the ephemera they saved.

I love the use of design and audio in this project to convey a deep sense of loss and nostalgia. Welcome to Pine Point is just really beautifully done. Like a photo album discovered in a trunk in an attic that comes to life.

_Out of Sight, Out of Mind

The data visualization Out of Sight, Out of Mind gives weight to the stark facts and figures of U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan, urging viewers to reflect on the life and death realities hidden behind the numbers.

Extraordinarily powerful use of data visualization to tell a story. Flawlessly done and very disturbing.

_Bear 71

Surveillance video and data feeds from Canada’s Banff National Park make environmental documentary "Bear 71" a commentary on life in the digital age.

This project brings really fabulous technical production values together with a very moving story to question how wild the wilderness actually is.

_The Johnny Cash Project

A crowdsourced music video, "The Johnny Cash Project" pays tribute to the iconic Man in Black.

Gorgeously done. I never get sick of watching this and it's a fantastic example of user-generated work that actually works.


In the interactive documentary "Hollow," filmmaker Elaine McMillion Sheldon collaborates with the residents of McDowell County, West Virginia to tell the story of population decline in the rural United States.

Elaine McMillion created something really special with this long-scroll, hyper-local storytelling project.

_Highrise: Out My Window

In the Emmy Award-winning web documentary "Out My Window," filmmaker Katerina Cizek explores highrise living around the world.

Beautiful interface design. Kat's collaborative storytelling methodology also brings so much warmth and thoughtfulness to everything she does. She makes stories with people rather than about them and I think it shows.

_Alma: A Tale of Violence

Interactive tablet and web documentary "Alma: A Tale of Violence" lets its audience members move between a former gang member’s confession and a stream of imagery that supplements her story.

Difficult to watch but so beautifully done. A lovely example of soft interactivity.


A team of miniature robots developed at MIT makes a documentary about humans, disarming their subjects with their engineered “cuteness.”

I am increasingly obsessed with thinking about how objects and stories come together and for me BlabDroid was the first project where I started to think about what stories objects would tell. Obviously these robots need some human help but where will the internet of things and connected devices take stories in the future?

_Star Wars Uncut

What do you get when you ask dedicated and creative film fans to remake scenes from their favorite movie? In the case of "Star Wars Uncut," a wild and crazy mashup that's as epic as the original.

Not really a documentary I guess, although there are certainly documentary elements to this wonderfully joyful user-generated re-imagining of the Star Wars universe.


Interactive documentary "CLOUDS" transforms computer code -- usually invisible -- into a prime visual attraction.

An upcoming project about creative code that is created using creative code. Form and content coming together.


projects curated by

Florian Thalhofer


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MIT Open Documentary Lab


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Eran Hadas and Udi Ben-Arie

33 Pl Playlists

33 playlists, a changing roster of prominent documentary makers, festival organizers, technologists and critics sharing their top picks.

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