AIR Media fosters independent media producers and networks across 30 countries.
AIR is a network of independent media producers, encompassing multimedia journalists, radio producers and public media programs and stations in over 30 countries.
Based in Boston, AIR works as an incubator that foster storymakers, projects and public media, with experiences like MQ2 and Localore.
Pushing Boundaries
Independent talent and public media drive innovative storytelling. As we’ve seen at AIR where we work with creative independent multimedia talent, producers are not afraid to push boundaries between different art forms. In part, thanks to the podcasting boom, public media is also incorporating more and more independent talent. Their immersive, transmedia storytelling has led to a golden age of talent in public media and beyond.
This playlist highlights some of the best interactive documentaries to come from independent producers and public media. All of these projects blend multiple types of media that are normally separate. Three of them also let communities organically tell their own stories by handing over the mic (or the camera).