11Narratologist Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan addresses the effect that the media may have on artworks. Rimmon-Kenan argues that the inherent properties…
_The Living Documentary
12I do not see interactive technology as a tool, but as a process that brings cultural, aesthetic, and political changes. Within this context,…
_Hybrid Journalism
8This playlist includes projects which made me understand that journalism could take so many different forms, merging with other fields such…
_Sound stories
5Audio is particularly effective in emotionally connecting when telling stories. It also leaves room for the imagination.
_The Interactive Documentary: my life, my passion, my playlist
20Interactive digital media have had an impact on the logics of production, exhibition and reception of traditional audiovisual documentaries.
_The Visceral Web
5The web can often feel cold, distant and anonymous, but these projects triggered a response from me. Whether emotionally or physically,…
_Spatial memories in Latin America
7This playlist collects Latin American media projects that explore the spatial dimensions of memories.
_Re-Enchanting Spaces: Participatory Location-Based Media
9Location-based media—physically or digitally linked to physical locations, conceptually connected to these locations, and designed to…
_Documentary Games
10The MIT Game Lab explores the question, "what is a documentary game?"
_Tablet-ready Interactive Docs
8Tablets provide a visually beautiful and rich experience that brings audiences closer to the material, make it easy to engage with deeper…
_Setting a Cultural Stage for Social Impact
14They use their art to create avenues for political and social framing, empathy and change, or direct action. And they set a cultural stage…
_Let’s Not Forget the Climate Crisis
10Here are exemplar projects using innovative media approaches bringing the urgency of climate change into our everyday lives.
_Energy, Economy and Culture
5Can interactive docs bring social issues alive differently and in ways that more directly make connections for users between their own lives…
_Caspar’s All-Time Favorites
14For the launch of the MIT Open Documentary Lab’s _docubase at IDFA 2013, Caspar Sonnen compiled a list of his all-time favorite interactive…
11Here are projects that utilize new media techniques and technologies to explore themes of social confinement and isolation.