_Ceci n’est pas Embres

A highly idiosyncratic observations about creative process, place, culture, language and family.

_Fort McMoney

Explore the frozen town of Fort McMurray and the tangled web of consequences fueled by the get-rich-quick mentality of its inhabitants in…

_The Sexperience 1000

The sexual experiences of 1,000 British individuals are brought together in an engrossing demystification of the sex lives of others.

_The Worry Box Project

"The Worry Box Project" collected hundreds of confessions from mothers revealing their fears about raising children.

_Cromosoma Cinco

Directed by Maria Ripoll and Lisa Pram, this touching project tells the story of Andrea, a girl with the 5P syndrome or Cri du Chat, a weird…

_To Call a Horse a Deer

Based on the Chinese idiom, this game uses language, hand-eye coordination and acts of complicity.


The Guardian’s “Firestorm” explores the frontiers of interactive journalism.

_Here at Home

Exploring a radical program to combat homelessness, "Here at Home" combines data-driven storytelling techniques with the emotive power of…

_Songbird VR

Songbird takes you back in time in Kanuai's forests to meet the legendary ʻōʻō bird and hear its last song.

_Her Name Was Gisberta

Her Name Was Gisberta is a VR documentary that tells the story of Gisberta Salce, a trans woman who was subject to a fatal hate crime.

_Last Hijack Interactive

Last Hijack Interactive is an online transmedia experience that allows you to explore the hijacking of a ship in Somalia.


A documentary essay on digital storage and memory, augmented by information and content drawn from the online accounts of each individual…

_Sacrée montagne

Web documentary "Sacrée montagne" explores religion and spirituality through the lens of Montreal’s Mount Royal.

_The Scream VR

The Scream VR is an interactive documentary experience based on Edvard Munch's famous painting.

_Inside the Haiti Earthquake

Documentary game "Inside the Haiti Earthquake" invites web visitors to learn about disaster relief through the perspectives of journalists,…