

CURRENT is a site-specific audio installation that leads you on a walk through Lower Manhattan. The project can be accessed via a custom website, using your own mobile device and...
Memorial Rocas AR

_Memorial Rocas AR

Memorial Rocas AR is an interactive Chilean documentary that employs augmented reality technology to recreate Rocas de Santo Domingo, a holiday vacation site turned into a center of torture by...
African Space Makers

_African Space Makers

...viewer is able to interact and make choices. The viewer can go to the biggest dumping site of Africa in search of objects and wild animals bones, paint trains and...


...throughout Chile. The 3D models of monuments, spaces, and buildings are displayed using an interactive website that organizes each site on a map of the city. The project took the...
A Cartography of Iconic Memory

_A Cartography of Iconic Memory

Interested in using technology to bring new life to over-looked spaces, Morgan Rhys Tams created four short, site-specific animation pieces in rural Iceland over the winter of 2014. By using...


...clicking buttons, and so forth. A storyteller who has created an interactive web experience might use Conifer to archive it in a way that would allow the website to remain fully interactive in its archived...
Motto: A behind-the-scenes look at the making of Vincent Morisset’s latest adventure

_Motto: A behind-the-scenes look at the making of Vincent Morisset’s latest adventure

...showing me reminds me of…” He later wrote on the NFB website: “The video snapshots people captured, even at their most raw and everyday, had a peculiar mystique. They seemed...
AI Platforms for Interactive Storytellers

_AI Platforms for Interactive Storytellers

...might seem like a random portraits site, but every single photo on the site has been created by using a special kind of artificial intelligence algorithm called generative adversarial networks...


Art and prisons have a long history together. From prison arts programs dating back to the 1940’s , to contemporary art exhibits featuring incarcerated experiences, to art collectives organizing poetry...
Climate Witness Project

_Climate Witness Project temperature. Built from the philosophy of the human rights organization Witness (, The Climate Witness project provides the tools for students to document the impact of humanity’s crimes against...
Only Expansion

_Only Expansion

Only Expansion is an immersive audio experience in which participants walk through a physical site with sounds overlaid. With their pair of headphones and a guidebook, participants are invited to...
What they destroy, we will build again

_What they destroy, we will build again

In May 2015, IS militants occupied the ancient Syrian excavation site of Palmyra and demolished most of its structures, including the Arch of Triumph. Although the Arch had stood for...


Spectre is an immersive installation that subverts many of the technologies and methods used in the Digital Influence Industry by tech giants, advertising/marketing firms, and political campaign groups. The project...
Fireflies: A Brownsville Story

_Fireflies: A Brownsville Story nurture conversation on how to heal fractures in the community. They also established the Brownsville Tech Lab as a permanent site and program to train youth in game design,...


This VR project immerses viewers into the lifetime of a tree, from a seedling to a full-grown rain forest tree. This sensory journey augments virtuality through haptic feedback and on-site...