_The Block: Stories from a Meeting Place

In "The Block: Stories from a Meeting Place," interactive 360° panoramas capture a historic neighborhood on the verge of demolition.

_Zero Days VR

Zero Days VR places audiences inside the invisible world of computer viruses and allows them to experience and understand the high stakes…

_Soldier Brother

An examination of the effects of contemporary warfare and communication on a brother and sister.


Explore 3D models of geographical locations that are transformed according to environmental data collected on the Internet.

_Tidmarsh Farms: Living Observatory

A multi-sensory observation project documents the restoration of Massachusetts wetlands.

_Accused #2 : Walter Sisulu

Using animated illustrations and archival audio, this piece is a window into the Rivonia trial where Walter Sisulu, Nelson Mandela's mentor,…

_The Prism GR2011  (2011)

In 27 discrete stories created by 14 photojournalists, The Prism GR2011 tells a nationwide tale of Greek life in the midst of the country's…

_A Father’s Lullaby

A Father’s Lullaby is a multi-platform, community engaged project highlighting the role of men in raising children and their absence due…

_This is Climate Change

This is Climate Change is a four-part series that gives us a direct 360° look at how humans are affecting multiple ecosystems on our planet.…

_Clouds Over Sidra

Clouds Over Sidra, the first film shot in virtual reality for the UN, is a VR experience designed to take viewers to the Za'atari camp in…

_The Sound Voice Project

A unique, immersive opera-video performance installation​ exploring powerful stories of voice loss and identity​.

_Prison Valley

"Prison Valley" is a first-person interactive road movie that takes users into the heart of America’s prison industry: Fremont County,…

_Shadows of Progress (Sombras del Progreso)  (2012)

In the current state of global financial instability, this interactive experience reflects on a period in Spanish history when workers'…

_A Journal of Insomnia

While insomnia is usually a solitary affliction, interactive documentary "A Journal of Insomnia" uses the web to create a community of insomniacs.

_The Arctic 30

The immersive audio installation narrates the capture of thirty environmental activists on the Greenpeace ship "Arctic Sunrise," on a real-size…