
Interactive weekly web series "Camerawar.tv" tackles contemporary issues, encouraging users to explore its archive in any order.

_Balloons of Bhutan

In the participatory documentary project "Balloons of Bhutan," artist Jonathan Harris investigates happiness in all its forms.

_Radio Right Left

Radio Right Left captures Americans' feelings about our collective future in hopes of discovering a common ground that can bring us together.

_Earth: A Primer

Earth Primer defies existing genres, combining aspects of science books, toys, simulations, and games.

_Accused #2 : Walter Sisulu

Using animated illustrations and archival audio, this piece is a window into the Rivonia trial where Walter Sisulu, Nelson Mandela's mentor,…

_Grozny: Nine Cities

Grozny: Nine Cities uses an interactive web documentary format to explore Grozny, the capital of war-torn Chechnya, through nine different…

_That Dragon, Cancer

An immersive, narrative videogame that retells Joel Green’s 4-year fight against cancer exploring themes of faith, hope and love.

_Assassin’s Creed III

A historical fiction action-adventure game, in which players can explore American cities during the 18th century

_Invisible People

Web series "Invisible People" combats stereotypes about the homeless.

_Step to the Line

Step to the Line is a VR documentary shot on location at a California maximum security prison that aims to provoke a shift in the viewer's…

_Forgotten Flags

Forgotten Flags explores how the 2006 Soccer World Cup changed the way Germans perceived their own country forever


Interactive mobile app "Cinemacity" geolocates movie clips throughout Paris in the locations that they were shot, letting visitors explore…

_Crisis Guide: Pakistan

Didactic and interactive, the Council on Foreign Relations’ "Crisis Guide: Pakistan" might hint towards a possible future for textbooks.

_Soul Patron

Follow your guide Tokotoko, an animated bunny, through Japanese shrines and city streets on a poignent exploration of Japanese culture and…

_Saydnaya: Inside a Syrian Torture Prison

Using architecture as a way into memory to expose human rights violations inside a Syrian torture prison.