Adobe Firefly

_Adobe Firefly

<span class="excerpt_part"> images. For image generation, a user can adjust aspect ratio, lighting, color tones, camera angles <strong>without</strong> a prompt, and structure preferences and desired styles by inputting a reference photo...</span>
Southeast Chicago Archive and Storytelling Project

_Southeast Chicago Archive and Storytelling Project

<span class="excerpt_part">...Many items also have &ldquo;Backstories,&rdquo; which provide deeper insight into their source and meaning within Southeast Chicago. At launch, the Digital Archive contained over 1,000 of the 10,000+ items found...</span>
8th Wall

_8th Wall

<span class="excerpt_part">8th wall is a web-based augmented reality (WebAR) platform that enables users to create AR experiences that work <strong>without</strong> an app in any mobile device through a browser. It automatically...</span>
AR Foundation

_AR Foundation

<span class="excerpt_part">...may choose to build their own models or import prefabs from an asset <strong>store</strong> in Unity to create projects. Using scripts with C#, the user may design different ways to...</span>
Lens Studio

_Lens Studio

<span class="excerpt_part">...way, all the editing tools are available to use in <strong>order</strong> to add tracking, texture, scripting and many more. Newer Lens Studio versions even allow landmark and building tracking as...</span>


<span class="excerpt_part">...even one million images or scans registered together, they can create a mesh and a texture on a machine with e.g. 16GB of RAM <strong>without</strong> any performance loss. RealityCapture offers...</span>


<span class="excerpt_part">...straight into one&rsquo;s channel. Hoverlay 2.0, can currently run on iOS and Android. It generates a unique URL for each digital content, which can be placed in web pages, social...</span>
4 Ríos

_4 Ríos

<span class="excerpt_part">...the country. Components of the project include an interactive <strong>online</strong> comic, an experimental 360&deg; film, an interactive exhibition using augmented reality, and a pop-up book using augmented reality. The 4...</span>
Forensic Landscapes

_Forensic Landscapes

<span class="excerpt_part">...impact this has on their lives. Over 20 years, thousands of bodies have been exhumed&mdash;and according to one of the experts, at least another 40 years of forensic work still...</span>
African Space Makers

_African Space Makers

<span class="excerpt_part">African Space Makers is an interactive 360 VR experience on creative cities and urban space made in Nairobi, Kenya. The story is about space making&ndash;the capacity to transform an empty...</span>
Birth in the 21st Century

_Birth in the 21st Century

<span class="excerpt_part">Birth in the 21st Century is an interactive web documentary that lets the viewer inside the <strong>delivery</strong> room of the state hospital of La Plana (in Vila-real, Spain), led by...</span>


<span class="excerpt_part">...boiler plate code for different kinds of scenes as well as a high-level API that allows programmers to use features such as face tracking <strong>without</strong> needing to understand the nitty...</span>
The Cancer of Time

_The Cancer of Time

<span class="excerpt_part">...if we lost that something always chasing out boredom? Dead time is also a space to reflect, to question conventional wisdom and established <strong>order</strong>. It&rsquo;s time to retrieve one&rsquo;s individual...</span>
A Cartography of Iconic Memory

_A Cartography of Iconic Memory

<span class="excerpt_part">...hidden location to another: along gravel streets, through overgrown fields and across rugged coastline in <strong>order</strong> to engage with the production, resulting in a collaboration between the artist, the viewer,...</span>
Cultural Shock

_Cultural Shock

<span class="excerpt_part">...a new perspective. During two months of <strong>online</strong> casting, forty-five candidates battled to win a trip to their country of origin. Once there, the rules were clear: no CO2, no...</span>