8th Wall

_8th Wall

an class="excerpt_part">...makes your Web AR content available across smartphones, computers and AR and VR headsets. 8th Wall WebAR reaches 3.5 billion smartphones worldwide across iOS and Android devices. No app is...an>
Memorial Rocas AR

_Memorial Rocas AR

an class="excerpt_part">Memorial Rocas AR is an interactive Chilean documentary that employs augmented reality technology to recreate Rocas de Santo Domingo, a holiday vacation site turned into a center of torture by...an>
Climate Crimes

_Climate Crimes

an class="excerpt_part">...Floating Bodies (2014) and positions the audience at the centre of an environmental narrative that spans microscopic, local and global scales. Narrated by Lahoud himself, this piece illustrates how atmospheric...an>
Flowers & a Switchblade

_Flowers & a Switchblade

an class="excerpt_part">Flowers & a Switchblade is a 360° video collage that captures a real-life conversation between two millennial women at Prospect Park in Brooklyn. The two protagonists stand at a distance...an>
4 Feet: Blind Date

_4 Feet: Blind Date

an class="excerpt_part">“4 Feet: Blind Date” is an Argentinian virtual reality film that explores disability and sexuality, inspired by lead writer Rosario Perazolo Masjoan’s own experiences as a disabled person. The idea...an>
Family Pictures USA

_Family Pictures USA

an class="excerpt_part">In this transmedia project and television series, artist Thomas Allen Harris travels neighborhoods and cities throughout the U.S. inviting community members to share the images and stories inscribed in their...an>
Dada Data

_Dada Data

an class="excerpt_part">...3D-printed readymades, tweet-poetry, and a sea of insta-collages are a few of the “Dada-Hacktions” one can find on Dada-Data . The anti-museum “Dada-Depot” is an infinite gallery of Dada personalities,...an>
Quipu Project

_Quipu Project

an class="excerpt_part">...audio, along with responses from listeners, was collected using Drupal VoIP, an open source technology developed at MIT’s Center for Civic Media. The result is a hybrid interactive documentary/ participatory...an>
Points of View

_Points of View

an class="excerpt_part">...allows for the footage to be seen and understood as a series of insightful yet highly complex ‘snapshots’ of a situation that is often stripped of subtlety and dimension in...an>
Interview with Navid & Vassiliki Khonsari

_Interview with Navid & Vassiliki Khonsari

an class="excerpt_part">...desperate political groups fight each other. These are all very important things, from a bird’s eye view, to learn and know and to be aware of. But then there’s also...an>
1979 Revolution Game

_1979 Revolution Game

an class="excerpt_part">...city under siege — and the decisions you make are crucial. 1979’s first episode, Black Friday, features a myriad of provocative characters roused by high stakes events, while the apolitical...an>
Interlude Treehouse

_Interlude Treehouse

an class="excerpt_part">...co-founder and CEO of Interlude. Interlude Treehouse is a digital media company that designs, develops and markets technologies and platforms to enable interactive video creation and distribution across multiple markets...an>
ObscureCam: Secure Smart Camera

_ObscureCam: Secure Smart Camera

an class="excerpt_part">...internet? Worried about the geolocation data in the picture giving away private hideaway? Tired of Facebook, Google and other sitesauto detecting” faces in your photos? Then this is for...an>


an class="excerpt_part">...auto workers, and journalists, among others. Web visitors can navigate the videos through an interactive mosaic or sort them on a map. The project also features 53 photo essays and...an>
Lost and Found

_Lost and Found

an class="excerpt_part">“Discover a black-and-white era in full color,” says the tagline at the beginning of Lost and Found, drawing its audience into a multimedia photo essay showcasing the work of amateur...an>