Lens Studio
_Lens Studio
Lens Studio is an application for creating augmented reality experiences within Snapchat.
Pandas is an open-source software library written for the Python programming language for data manipulation and analysis.
Runway ML is an intuitive tool for users to create and publish machine learning models with no coding experience.
A user-friendly machine learning tool by Google.
A Python machine learning library.
IBM Cloud
_IBM Cloud
IBMCloud offers the tools, data and APIs to create AI.
EthnoAlly is a tool for conducting serendipitous, multimodal ethnographic work in a growingly complex world.
Interview with Marshmallow Laser Feast
_Interview with Marshmallow Laser Feast
Ersin Han Ersin of Marshmallow Laser Feast describes the process and the philosophy behind their VR projects.
Multi-platform storytelling, gaming & outreach software