Dada Data
_Dada Data
A homage to the Dada movement with a contemporary twist.
Do Not Track
_Do Not Track
Do Not Track is a personalized web documentary series about privacy and the web economy.
Designers have long known that the right font can bring a document to life. With Type:Rider, it’s the typefaces themselves that come…
Fort McMoney
_Fort McMoney
Explore the frozen town of Fort McMurray and the tangled web of consequences fueled by the get-rich-quick mentality of its inhabitants in…
A poetic investigation into European public spaces, "Insitu" can be experienced as a feature film, a web documentary, or a mobile app.
"Gaza/Sderot" documents human resilience by capturing stories from neighboring cities Gaza and Sderot, each on different sides of the Israeli-Palestinian…
Farewell Comrades
_Farewell Comrades
Personal postcards become a gateway to history in the interactive documentary "Farewell Comrades."
Modern Couple
_Modern Couple
"Modern Couple" explores love and parenthood through a series of short films.
Prison Valley
_Prison Valley
"Prison Valley" is a first-person interactive road movie that takes users into the heart of America’s prison industry: Fremont County,…
Alma: A Tale of Violence
_Alma: A Tale of Violence
Interactive tablet and web documentary "Alma: A Tale of Violence" lets its audience members move between a former gang member’s confession…